The firm is able to provide infrastructure integration expertise and broadband on-demand, says CEO.
REDTONE Digital Bhd is a few steps closer to rolling out its 5G plan under the government’s Jalinan Digital Negara project as it prepares a detailed draft plan for the Malaysia Communications and Multimedia Commissions to assess.
The commission will review its detailed draft plan and financial plan before it issues the final Notice of Approval according to REDtone CEO Lau Bik Soon.
Lau said REDtone’s role in the 5G rollout is to enrich its telecommunications company (telco) and industry digital services offerings as well as Managed Telecommunications Network Services.
Lau says the 5G rollout would empower vertical sectors
“REDtone is a trusted unique selling proposition (USP) partner and the largest thirdparty neutral Multiple Operator Radio Access Network operator in Malaysia.
“We hope to continue reiterating our commitment to supporting the government in providing mobile and Internet access to underserved communities and areas by leveraging on our telco engineering expertise and know-how,” he told The Malaysian Reserve.
He added this would be implemented through a partnership with mobile providers and long-term USP projects.
REDtone is able to provide infrastructure integration expertise and broadband ondemand as Lau stated the company is the only service provider in the industry with a unique suite of last-mile technologies.
The 5G rollout would enhance its wireless offerings and high-performance solutions.
The 5G technology will enable REDtone to implement virtual networks and create subnets which will provide connectivity that ismore adjusted to specific needs, Lau explained.
As an example, REDtone’s SD-WAN will be able to deliver a higher quality network experience to match the demands of customers.
Lau said the 5G rollout would empower vertical sectors such as improving farming in the agriculture sector by employing artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning technology and farm aggregation mechanism.
“As the leader in the Smart Farming segment, we are actively involved in driving innovation and adoption for Smart Farming and are committed to growing a partnership ecosystem for technology collaborations and awareness building through government agencies, higher education institutions as well as agricultural associations and bodies to drive changes in increasing productivity and support the shift towards an innovationand knowledge-based rural economy,” said Lau.
5G would also help develop REDtone’s virtual reality (VR) based business plans. Itplans to evolve into Next-generation Immersive Learning which is a simulation, VR and augmented reality in digital training and e-learning.
“This learning method uses a simulated or artificial environment to transport learners to a specific scenario, allowing them to practise skills and interact with the context,” Lau added.
Staff will be able to train in a safer environment as VR can simulate real-life, high-risk work situations especially for those working in dangerous jobs.
Moreover, 5G technology can create an interactive and engaging learning experience. In terms of healthcare, 5G can also improve services like radiology where imagingrelated processes can be mobilised, large imaging files can be moved through a medical facility and there is easier mobile access.
“5G isn’t just about faster data speeds, low latency and more bandwidth. It is the key enabling technology for IR4.0 and one of the strongest building blocks for the economy,”Lau explained.
He said a new era of the intelligent economy would be shaped by emerging technologies such as AI, the Internet of Things and cloud computing.
5G technology is very beneficial for businesses as it would transform user experience and help create new business models and revenue stream opportunities because it has low latency, high bandwidth, mass connectivity and high reliability.
It is able to support applications that require big data processing, real-time control, high-definition videos or images.
“5G introduces innovation possibilities which go beyond today’s enterprise limitations, enabling new ways to operate, think and solve traditional business challenges.
“The common characteristics of how 5G is transforming businesses are automated operations; actual real-time control and processing of data; running any processremotely, regardless how critical it is; computing resources; and running applications on the edge where relevant,” he said.
The technology can be integrated into the smart retail space to enhance the shopper’s experience and enable true customisations as well as smart manufacturing as only low latency and high reliability are required to support critical applications.
While the economic benefits are many, Lau warns that each industry needs to know how to use the 5G technology and application to tap into its potential.
“While many things on the journey to the 5G rollout are uncertain, it is easy to envision the inevitable heavy investment in infrastructure building and the emergence of new and innovative applications.
“Businesses’ expectations towards 5G include more efficient operations, real-time delivery, on-demand, reliability, a breakthrough in user experience and ultimately lower costs of deployment,” he added.
While Digital Nasional Bhd is spearheading the 5G rollout in the country, Lau said the new network features will encourage new industry demand and set a higher standard for real-time services.
As a result, demands on networks would increase and drive a higher 5G take-up rate. Eventually, it would achieve optimal economies of scale that will bring down costs of subscription.
Lau believes 5G technology would benefit urban areas while connectivity needs to be improved in rural areas.
“For users in rural areas who use their desktops, laptops and mobile devices for online study, video streaming, video conferencing or web browsing, 4G/LTE is largely capable of supporting remote learning needs.
“Having said that, with the availability of 5G in the future, it will open up new horizons of e-learning and redefine virtual learning,” he said adding 5G technology is capable of bridging the education gap.
Source: The Malaysian Reserve