REDtone Digital Berhad has a long history of being a well-respected brand in Malaysia, established in 1996, having evolved from being a voice provider to a leading integrated telecommunications and digital infrastructure services provider today, winning awards and accolades both locally and internationally.
Since 2015 REDtone has been a subsidiary of Berjaya Corporation Sdn Bhd.
A well respected home-grown brand, REDtone has grown to become a leading provider of integrated telecommunications and digital infrastructure services for organisations with a broad customer base, ranging from corporate customers, conglomerates, multinationals and public listed companies, SMEs and government linked companies (GLCs).
Even after 27 years, REDtone’s CEO Lau Bik Soon remains passionate on its mission statement, “to serve and make a positive impact on the community and organizations by delivering reliable and cost-effective digital infrastructure and solutions.”
One of the many ways REDtone delivers on its mission statement is by supporting the government’s efforts in providing mobile and internet access to underserved communities and areas, including Sabah and Sarawak.

Thus, expanding on its track record and positive momentum in broadband, data connectivity as well as telco and network engineering and know how, REDtone has expanded its wings into a new area, Managed Telco Network Services (MTNC) in 2013.
Managed Telco Network Services
The company first expanded into the telco engineering business in 2012, when REDtone was awarded the Kampung Tanpa Wayar (KTW) project.
Within a span of ten years, REDtone has successfully rolled out numerous large scale projects for government initiated projects such as Jendela, Time-3(T3), Pusat Ekonomi Digital (PeDI) and other Universal Service Provision (USP) initiatives.
Pusat Ekonomi Digital or Digital Economy Centres were set up to provide high-speed broadband internet services, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and e-commerce training, and training facilities that have contributed to equality in digital opportunities, while increasing local economic levels.

The aim remains to promote digital inclusion, so everyone can thrive.
MTNS includes building, maintaining and operating large-scale wifi hotspots, cellular base stations and fibre infrastructure.
Its telco engineering work encompasses the installation of towers and infrastructure, as well as the installation of equipment and electronics related to public cellular service, under the concept of MOCN (Multi Operator Core Network) allows other cellular operators access to a single radio network in underserved areas across the country.
MTNS has successfully made inroads into East Malaysia covering areas such as Belaga, Belaru, Lawas, Limbang, Marudi, Miri, Sebauh and Tatau in Sarawak, while In Sabah, Beluran, Kalabakan, Keningau, Nabawan Pensiangan, Tawau and Tongod, providing the necessary infrastructure in remote and rural areas.
Through the Jendela Project, otherwise known as Jalinan Digital Negara, the government’s aim remains to improve digital infrastructure for communities in Malaysia.
REDtone todate has built and operates close to 350 telco towers and by the end of the Jendela Project, 600 towers would be completed.
REDtone provides mobile coverage to rural areas, where it builds and operates mobile networks, regardless of which network is involved. This ensures connection for the communities involved
For REDtone, the biggest challenge remains the remoteness of locations and isolated nature of communities, especially in Sabah and Sarawak, where the rugged terrain poses a barrier to connectivity.
The key aspect to bringing connectivity is the existence of infrastructure, and REDtone is recognized as one of the largest USP service providers and the largest Neutral MOCN (Multi Operator Core Network).
Source: The Sun